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4-arm PEG-CM | Sinopeg PEG August 6,2024.

Chapter 1: Basic Information

Name: 4-arm PEG-CM;4-arm Poly(ethylene glycol) carboxylic acid Abbreviation: 4-arm PEG-CM;4-arm PEG-COOH Physical Characteristics: Typically appears as a white solid.

Chapter 2: Product Characteristics

Functional Group: Terminal carboxymethyl functionalization provides excellent reactivity and biocompatibility. Purity: Up to 98% or higher. Molecular Weight: Available in various molecular weights such as 5KDa, 10KDa, 20KDa, 40KDa, and finer ranges like 350~40KDa. Dispersion: Generally exhibits good dispersion to ensure product uniformity and stability.

Chapter 3: Applications

Drug Development: Used as a drug modifier to enhance solubility, stability, targeting, and bioavailability of pharmaceuticals. Biomaterials: Applied in the preparation of biocompatible materials such as PEG hydrogels, widely used in medical devices, regenerative medicine, cell culture, and wound healing. Biochemistry: Acts as a modifier for biomolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids) to enhance their stability and functionality.

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