Home / Blog / Semaglutide Side Chain | tBuO-Ste-Glu(AEEA-AEEA-OH)-OtBu | CAS#: 1118767-16-0 | Sinopeg
Semaglutide Side Chain | tBuO-Ste-Glu(AEEA-AEEA-OH)-OtBu | CAS#: 1118767-16-0 | Sinopeg July 4,2024.

English Name: Semaglutide Side Chain

Product Abbreviation: tBuO-Ste-Glu(AEEA-AEEA-OH)-OtBu

CAS No.: 1118767-16-0

Product Code: 06040002900

Storage: -20±5℃

Semaglutide side chain contains multiple functional groups, including tert-butoxy (tBuO), carboxyl (COOH), amino (NH2), and AEEA (2-[2-(Fmoc-amino)ethoxy]ethyl acetic acid) units. These functional groups impart high reactivity and selectivity to the compound, making it suitable for various synthetic pathways.

The semaglutide side chain is primarily used in the synthesis of semaglutide, a novel anti-diabetic medication. Semaglutide works by binding and activating GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide) receptors, promoting insulin secretion and inhibiting glucagon release, thereby effectively lowering blood sugar levels. The quality and purity of the semaglutide side chain directly influence the efficacy and safety of the final product.

tBuO-Ste-Glu(AEEA-AEEA-OH)-OtBu, as a crucial pharmaceutical intermediate, plays a key role in the synthesis of anti-diabetic drugs like semaglutide. Its unique chemical structure and excellent physical properties make it highly promising in pharmaceutical research and production. With the continuous expansion of the global pharmaceutical market and increasing demand for health-related solutions, the market demand for semaglutide side chain is expected to grow steadily.

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