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/Construction of Tough, in Situ Forming Double-Network Hydrogels with Good Biocompatibility
Construction of Tough, in Situ Forming Double-Network Hydrogels with Good Biocompatibility 2024-05-10
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Jan 25;9(3):2205-2212.  doi: 10.1021/acsami.6b15364.  Epub 2017 Jan 10.

Construction of Tough, in Situ Forming Double-Network Hydrogels with Good Biocompatibility

Yazhong Bu 1 2, Hong Shen 1, Fei Yang 1 2, Yanyu Yang 1 2, Xing Wang 1, Decheng Wu 1 2

Hydrogels are required to have high mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and an easy fabrication process for biomedical applications.  Double-network hydrogels, although strong, are limited because of the complicated preparation steps and toxic materials involved.  In this study, we report a simple method to prepare tough, in situ forming polyethylene glycol (PEG)-agarose double-network (PEG-agarose DN) hydrogels with good biocompatibility.  The hydrogels display excellent mechanical strength.  Because of the easily in situ forming method, the resulting hydrogels can be molded into any form as needed.  In vitro and in vivo experiments illustrate that the hydrogels exhibit satisfactory biocompatibility, and cells can attach and spread on the hydrogels.  Furthermore, the residual amino groups in the network can also be functionalized for various biomedical applications in tissue engineering and cell research.

Keywords: PEG;  agarose;  biocompatible;  double network;  hydrogels.

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